Decisons, Decisions of the Travel Variety

When it comes to deciding where to spend your annual two weeks in the sun, the choice can be overwhelming. Spain, Greece, Turkey, USA, Italy, Portugal – the list goes on and on. Cheap deals are available, especially last minute, to many destinations, which is fantastic if you’re not overly fussed where you want to go. However, throw into the mix the small choice of what type of holiday you want – another decision to make!
By the time you’re halfway through your holiday search, the whole thing can become so stressful you begin to question why you’re going away! Worry not though, because once that decision is made, your holiday planning can be begin, and for me, that’s the best bit.
Cost is probably one of the biggest factors when deciding where to site yourself during your summer jaunt, and thankfully nowadays many places that were once only for those with money are now open to those on a budget. There are also other ways to cut costs in smaller ways, such as airport parking, which might not seem like it will make a huge impact, but trust me, it does! The cost of pre-booking your car’s little holiday will be considerably less than public transport if you’re travelling distances, and certainly lower than an airport taxi. Money saved before you even leave home! I use this service regularly, and last week I pre-booked Birmingham Airport parking, at a great price, so I’d really recommend looking into the services available at your airport.
Going back to your holiday choice, what types of holiday can we look forward to? Well there’s the obvious one – the beach break. There are countless destinations worldwide that cater for this need, from bargain breaks to Spain and Turkey, to more luxurious sun-seeking jaunts to Bali and the Maldives. The choice in this respect will more than likely again come down to cost, but don’t count out those far-flung destinations, as an extensive internet search may just throw up a bargain break to somewhere exotic, leaving you open-mouthed and ready to book!
If lying on a beach for a fortnight leaves you yawning, why not look into an adventure break? Many companies offer extensive itineraries to places such as Mexico with its trail of ancient ruins, China with the famous wall, safaris in Kenya and even volunteering holidays in Africa and Australia, be it in schools or wildlife sanctuaries. Combining a truly eye-opening experience with a bit of sun is a fantastic once in a lifetime experience.
These days, cruises are hugely popular, with the chance to visit several destinations in a short space of time. Massive cruiseliners with a world of facilities will keep even the most restless occupied during sea-days, and excursions on land days will ensure you experience a lot over the course of your cruise. Stay and cruise deals are a good choice too, offering the best of both worlds.
Next? How about a city break? Paris, Milan, even New York for a few days! Shop til you drop or explore some culture. I did this recently for a long weekend in Istanbul and really enjoyed a short break from the norm.
As you can see, holidays aren’t purely about lazing in the sun, but if that’s what you want from your break, you’re more than catered for. Cut costs wherever possible, such as the parking idea, and you’ll have more to play with.
Posted on: September 3, 2013