is for Hostel Booking

Probably the best way to save money when you travel is to book your accommodation in hostels, every time you find one in your route. In almost 100% of cases, hostels provide the cheapest accommodation and, for the budget traveler that doesn’t spend more than two consecutive nights in one single place, this may be the smartest choice – for example, you can accommodate in several hostels from different cities and visit a lot more interesting places using the same budget that you would use for a luxury Mediterranean cruise or a stay of five days at a first class hotel in downtown Miami.
Of course, this is not fresh news for many travelers – especially for the more experienced ones – but one thing that every budget traveler planning a trip should know is that there are dedicated websites you can use to book your hostel accommodation. You can use these websites to plan your stays for the whole journey, so you can spend every day of your trip doing the things you really want to do (travel, see interesting places, meet new people and take tons of pictures), rather than worry about where you will overnight.
One such website is, with over a decade of experience in online hostel booking and an impressive list of hostels to choose from: over 25,000 hostels in more than 180 countries.
Another interesting thing is that the website is available in over 20 languages and offers multi currency billing, so it can be very easy, for example, to book your stay at a hostel in New York, from your home computer in Eastern Europe.
Besides the online hostel booking service, provides a very comprehensive list of travel guides and info about places around the world (including videos, podcasts and free pocked guides) as well as other useful travel services.
The website even has its own award: the Hoscar Awards, recognising top hostels around the globe.
If you want to know which were the best hostels around the world (according to, here is a short video from the 2011 Hoscar Awards that took place in London on 4th February 2011:
Do you stay at hostels when you travel and if so, what do you think about hostels compared to other types of accommodation?
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Posted on: August 4, 2011
By Hannah